Cosmetic Dentistry

What is Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s teeth, gums, and bite. It primarily deals with the aesthetic aspect of dental treatments.
Treatments Done Under Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry
- Smile designing
- laminates & veneers
- Tooth whitening
- Comoposite & GIC fillings
- Gum contouring
- Teeth replacement of black lined crowns
- Metal free ceramic crowns
- Depigmentation of gum
- Dental care for children
Smile Designing
It is a process where-in esthetic evaluation of all oral hard and soft tissues is performed and required changes are brought about which will enhance overall esthetics of face.
Laminates & Veneers
Veneers are shells of ceramic or composite that can be chemically bonded to tooth structure and are the primary treatment modality for the popular extreme makeovers in cases with heavy permanent stains, disproportionately small teeth with spaces and structurally damaged teeth.
Tooth Whitening (Bleaching)
Tooth whitening, also known as dental bleaching, is a cosmetic dental procedure used to lighten the color of teeth and remove stains or discoloration.
Composite Fillings (Tooth Coloured)
Dental composite fillings are essentially standard tooth fillings that are coloured to resemble the natural colour of your original tooth. They are also known as resin fillings, white fillings and tooth-coloured fillings.
GIC Fillings (Tooth Coloured)
Glass ionomer cement (GIC) is a self-adhesive restorative material. It is often used as restorative material, luting agent, pulp protection, pit & fissure sealant etc.
Get In Touch
- Scheme no. 103, Plot no. 76, Kesar bagh road, Indore, M.P. 452001
- 092295 85073