
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

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What is Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery?

This procedure deals with disorders like face imperfections, injuries, defects in jaws, soft and hard tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.
This surgical method focuses on dental problems which have a relation to the soft & hard tissues of the face, jaws, and mouth.

Treatments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The following things are done under the procedure of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Indore:

Tooth Extraction

Your tooth extraction will either be surgical or simple, depending on whether your tooth is impacted or visible.

Removal Of Jaw Cysts

A cyst is a pouch or sack which develops within tissues and contains fluid. The therapy for cysts is to remove them from the jaws. In most cases, this procedure is done by a small incision inside the oral cavity and the removal of a bone part. But sometimes, due to the location or size of the cyst, dentists have to make incisions outside of the mouth too. Occasionally when large cysts are found, it may be possible to treat them by surgical decompression.
After surgery, the cyst is sent to a pathologist for precious examination under a microscope to confirm the performed diagnosis.

Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF)

This is an insidious, chronic disease that can affect any part of the oral cavity and occasionally the pharynx with epithelial atrophy, which leads to stiffness of the oral mucosa, causing an inability to eat and trismus. OSMF has an extreme rate of morbidity because it leads to progressive inability in mouth opening, resulting in improper food eating and consequent nutritional deficiencies.
Management of this disorder by the Shataayu Dental Clinic in Indore involves the cessation of habit and release of fibrous bands surgically, followed by the forceful opening of the oral cavity by coronoidectomy and coverage of surgical imperfections with nasolabial flap and daily activity of postoperative active jaw physiotherapy for a period of 6 months. Surgery may lead to scar tissue which decreases mouth opening due to scar contraction in the muscles of the mouth closing.

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